Sustainable Tree Crop (July 2019– July 2022)
The programme as Phase III implemented since 15th July, 2019 as a continuos program of Sustainable Tree Crop with financial support of The Glacier Trust (TGT), UK (www.theglaciertrust.org), in Thulung and Mapya Dudhkoshi Rural Municipality of Solukhumbu District. The project promoted sustainable rural livelihoods through the promotion of agro-forestry, tree cropping with enhanced links for marketing of the produce. The project was considered as milestone to improve the economic and social wellbeing of smallholders through the promotion of environmentally sustainable tree crop systems.
Click here to know more about how TGT, EcoHimal Nepal, and the Deusa Agro Forestry Resource Centre, are enabling farmers to grow, process and sell coffee commercially for the first time.