IMPACT WEEK: Meeting with Lufthansa Delegate from Germany
A huge Impact week is going to be organized in beginning of November 2019 in Nepal with the support of Lufthansa Airlines – to foster innovation, entrepreneurship, interconnectivity and multi-cultural exchange through DESIGN THINKING.
It is basically for finding valuable sources of Real-World problems/challenge and turn into a Solution. The event will be followed by 3 days of Train-the-Trainer and 4 days a huge Design Thinking Challenge workshop with 100+ students and 36 coaches. With the help of the creative design thinking method, we enable students to develop solutions for challenges. There are 6 "tracks" in the Impact Week. EcoHimal owns a track out of 6.
EcoHimal and Farming for Health is also working with Lufthansa Help Alliance Pro-Team. The idea together with Pro-Team is: to take one of the issues they are tackling during their project into an extended solution-finding process at Impact Week - the "EcoHimal-Track".
So, we could have besides the other tracks, one special track which would come with a preconfigured problem. This would replace the "Observe"-Phase as the problem has already been qualified.
Moreover, EcoHimal provides the direction and the teams are absolutely free to decide on whatever problem they think needs to be tackled.This is the usual first phase of a design thinking challenge called "Observe"
Thank you for Deligate Danny and Aman and Tilo Hillmer for connecting us. We are looking forward for the grand success of the huge event.