EcoHimal Convenes The 14th Annual General Meeting  (AGM)

EcoHimal Convenes The 14th Annual General Meeting (AGM)

14th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of EcoHimal Nepal 

EcoHimal Nepal convened its 14th Annual General Meeting on September, 2022. Mr. Phinjo Sherpa, the Chairperson, welcomed the esteemed members and guests of the AGM. 18 members had their physical presence where 5 members had virtual presence. 

The entire session was facilitated by Mr. Narayan Dhakal, the Executive Director of EcoHimal.

On the occasion, the Chairperson presented the annual report of the F.Y. 2078/79 (2021/022 AD) on behalf of the Board of Directors. Likewise, the financial statements cum auditors report was presented. The members unanimously approved the both reports.

In addition, in line with the provisions of Article of Association of EcoHimal, new Board of Directors has been elected for further 2 years tenure.  The 7 members committee has been formed in the chair of Mr. Arun Kanta Poudel. The meeting appreciated the contribution of immediate past Board of Directors and thanked for their great support and guardianship towards organizational development and progress. The AGM commenced successfully and will be held in next fiscal year.