Asia Europe People’s Forum for a Just, Peaceful and Sustainable World
The 13th biennial Asia Europe People’s Forum will take place between 17th and 24th May 2021 under the title “Asia Europe People’s Forum for a Just, Peaceful and Sustainable World”.
AEPF13 will be a virtual event with an exciting series of interlinked dialogues, workshops, actions, policy debates and plenary sessions. The outcome of this meeting in the form of a Final Declaration will be presented to the 13th Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM13) where heads of states from Asia and Europe will have discussions on future priorities and plans.
AEPF13 will tackle strategies on major 6 themes or People’s Visions, which represent AEPF’s hopes for citizens of Europe and Asia.
EcoHimal Nepal is taking part on theme - Climate Justice and Just Transitions under title "Just a Transformative Adaptation: A Foundation for Climate Justice"
The AEPF sees the climate crises and biodiversity loss; the rise of authoritarianisms and discriminations, growing inequalities and the threats to peace and security as fundamental challenges and is committed to work for a just, peaceful and sustainable world. The AEPF 13 will engage on these issues to produce a collective document and policies as ways forward.
The AEPF 13 will be eight days of collective thinking based on a people-centred vision.
For more information and registration, please visit here