Integrated Rural Development Project (July 2019-June 2021)
The Integrated Rural Development Project just completed starting since 2017 in Khiraule Village of Mahakulung Rural Municipality of Solukhumbu District with the financial support of Nepal Helfe Bonn, Germany.
The project since 2016 to 2021 (5 years of intervention) has changed the perception and behavior of local population in Khiraule village. The project was started with restoration of local cultural heritage (Prayer wheel building) to promote communal unity, spirituality, peace, inspiration and contemplation. Rural development in integrated manner was the soul of the project. The project has created structures, skills, resources and technologies to improve the livelihood of local households in sustainable way. Major achievements during 5 years period is presented pointwise as follows:
·Demonstration of commercial vegetable farming through greenhouse promotion: Installed 41 greenhouses have increased the vegetable production on a relatively small piece of land and a short time span. This low-cost greenhouse (poly house) technology has been effective especially for off-season vegetable production and in some extent agriculture commercialization.
Nutritional garden promoted at local level: Local people are capable to establish and manage the nutrition garden to meet their needs of fresh vegetables at the household level. Most of all households are maintaining vegetables biodiversity in their kitchen gardens. Adaptation of kitchen gardens is contributing in availability of fresh vegetables at the household level, unlike of the project’s initial situation of the village where green vegetable was completely not available. Behavioral change towards green vegetable consumption by producing in their kitchen garden is observed.
Sustainable climate-sensitive tree crops farming: The project has enabled all local farmers of Khiraule village to enhance rural resilience by training them in environmentally restorative tree cropping especially in bio-intensive techniques. More than 90% (62 households) have been resourced and trained in tree crops diversification. Their skills on plantation have been enhanced in less labor-intensive high value crops with longer term benefits, they have utilized marginal and barren land to increase productivity. More than 15,598 seedlings of fruits, nuts, tea and spices have been planted.
Improved potato seed in Khiraule village: two clear achievements gained from the potato seed are: (i) all local farmers are able to learn practical skills for production of seed following the improved practices, (ii) they understood that they can increase the productivity/yields of potato to a large extent through the use of quality seeds of improved varieties and through the use of improved production practices. Improved potato seed produced and localized, advantages of transformation from local to improved potato seed realized by all the producers at local level.
Model Improved Cooking Stove (ICS) designed, fabricated and installed: On the basis of geo-ecological structure and atmosphere of Khiraule village, full metallic ICS designed, fabricated and installed 69 improved cooking stoves. All benefited households installed the ICSs properly. The users have reported that around 50% reduction in wood fuel consumption. Householders reported significant time savings as result of significant decrease in time spent collecting firewood and time spent cooking. Indoor air pollution almost entirely eradicated and kitchen hygiene improved in all benefited households. Now, Kitchen is clean, IAP condition and kitchen comfort is far better and happiness is beyond.
Improved breeding of animals: Natural variation among animals is observed. The productivity of goats and buffalo has been increased.
Agro-forestry resource centres: 2 agro-forestry resources centres (Godim and Thondo) have been established, green houses are installed, vegetables nurseries initiated and planted tree crops in the premises. Structures and resources are at place for seedlings production.