Chepuwa Integrated Rural Sanitation Project (CIRSP) (Sep 2012-Aug 2015)



Chepuwa Integrated Rural Sanitation Project (CIRSP) (Sep 2012-Aug 2015)

The CIRSP was implemented from September 2012 to August 2016 in Chepuwa VDC of Sankhuwasava District. It aimed at improving rural sanitation and hygiene in a sustainable way; it has been completed successfully as a model rural integrated programme. The success and acceptance of RDDW, and the local demand for similar programme interventions, motivated both donors and EcoHimal to further support for the rural un-reached communities, and replication of the project in Chepuwa and Hatiya villages is being considered: a detailed base line survey was completed during May/June 2016.  Background data is provided in a publication of the donor organization here:NepalHilfe Aruntal & Eco Himal


The programme was funded by the Nepal Hilfe Aruntal (, the Upper Austria Government (, the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) with funds deriving from the Austrian Development Cooperation  ( implementation was undertaken by Eco Himal Austria (


The programme has positively changed the socio–cultural scenario of the VDC and this is evident in the behavior, attitude and support of the local people.