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Sustainable Agrology through Agro Forest in Mountain Areas of Nepal (SAAF MAN)
For Foreign Currency (Euro):
- Bank: Nabil Bank Ltd., Maharajgunj, Kathmandu
- Account Name: EcoHimal Nepal
- Account Number: 1510387502529
For Neplease Currency:
- Bank: Nabil Bank Ltd., Maharajgunj, Kathmandu
- Account Name: EcoHimal Nepal
- Account Number: 1510017502528
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The project is planned for the establishment, institutionalization and localization of Agro Forest Resource Centres in 4 villages of two rural municipalities (RMs): Aiselukharka and Rawabesi of Khotang District. Financial support derives from EcoHimal Austria. The project targets 6,284 households with 29,466 population directly focusing on poor, rural farming communities of Aiselukharka's 3,491 HHs with 16,097 population and Rawabesi's 2,793 HHs with 13,369 population). The project enables local farmers on environment preservation, organic and nature-based farming and lessen greenhouse gas emission. The AFRCs will become a hub for education, resources and training, enabling sustainable rural livelihoods through the promotion of tree cropping and organized marketing of the produce.
Specific objectives of the project are:
-Increase access of local farmers on improved farming technologies and skills.
-Promote Eco-agrology minimizing GHG emission (CO2 absorb) and climate change effects.
-Raise 1,541 (25%) families out of poverty through the promotion of tree crop production and the professional marketing of the produce.