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- Bank: Nabil Bank Ltd., Maharajgunj, Kathmandu
- Account Name: EcoHimal Nepal
- Account Number: 1510387502529
For Neplease Currency:
- Bank: Nabil Bank Ltd., Maharajgunj, Kathmandu
- Account Name: EcoHimal Nepal
- Account Number: 1510017502528
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EcoHimal Nepal in financial support of Nepalhilfe Bonn and in cooperation with Mahakulung Rural Municipality has been implementing the project - Construction and management of physical infrastructures for community and learning centre (Named as Gender Friendly Agro-Forest Resource Centre (GF-AFRC) in throughout the Mahakulung rural municipality. The project has been creating foundation for the innovative promotion of sustainable climate-sensitive multi-layer organic agriculture. It will create economically and ecologically viable tree crops farming promoting climate change adaptation through local women empowerment.